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Journal Platform

BIOfid supports both the founding and the ongoing operation of open access journals. With this subject-specific platform for biodiversity research journals, BIOfid is helping to shape the scientific publishing of the future.

The platform supports the non-commercial publication of scholarly journals - as far as possible in Open Access. This service is aimed at learned societies or smaller institutions that do not have the necessary funds and/or their own technical know-how or infrastructure.

The platform is technically based on OJS (Open Journal Systems) and enables the efficient handling of all editorial processes on the one hand and the professional presentation of journals on the web on the other. Each journal will have a web presence in its own design. The allocation of Crossref DOI for the articles in the journals is part of BIOfid's service. The responsibility for the content and editing of the journals remains with the respective publisher.

In addition to the technical infrastructure, BIOfid offers advice to the scientific community on all aspects of journal publishing, including copyright design, compliance with formal standards and indexing in overarching databases.

The following journals are already on the BIOfid journal platform:

If you want to publish or found a journal relevant to biodiversity research and would like to use BIOfid's service, please contact Gerwin Kasperek (E-Mail).