Publications of the BIOfid team

Journal Articles by A. Mehler

Lücking A., Driller C., Stoeckel M., Abrami G., Pachzelt A., and Mehler A.
Multiple Annotation for Biodiversity: Developing an annotation framework among biology, linguistics and text technology

Language Resources and Evaluation (forthcoming), 2021

Driller C., Koch M., Abrami G., Hemati W., Lücking A., Mehler A., Pachzelt A., and Kasperek G.
Fast and Easy Access to Central European Biodiversity Data with BIOfid

Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 2020

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Hemati W. and Mehler A.
CRFVoter: gene and protein related object recognition using a conglomerate of CRF-based tools

Journal of Cheminformatics, 11(1), 2019

URL | DOI | RIS | BibTex
Hemati W. and Mehler A.
LSTMVoter: chemical named entity recognition using a conglomerate of sequence labeling tools

Journal of Cheminformatics, 11(1), 2019

URL | DOI | RIS | BibTex
Driller C., Koch M., Schmidt M., Weiland C., Hörnschemeyer T., Hickler T., Abrami G., Ahmed S., Gleim R., Hemati W., Uslu T., Mehler A., Pachzelt A., Rexhepi J., Risse T., Schuster J., Kasperek G., and Hausinger A.
Workflow and Current Achievements of BIOfid, an Information Service Mobilizing Biodiversity Data from Literature Sources

Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 2, 2018

URL | DOI | RIS | BibTex
Koch M., Kasperek G., Hörnschemeyer T., Mehler A., Weiland C., and Hausinger A.
Setup of BIOfid, a new Specialised Information Service for Biodiversity Research

Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 1, 2017

Conference Papers

Konca M., Lücking A., and Mehler A.
German SRL: Corpus Construction and Model Training

Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, ELRA Language Resources Association (ELRA) and the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL), 2024

Lücking A., Abrami G., Hammerla L., Rahn M., Baumartz D., Eger S., and Mehler A.
Dependencies over Times and Tools (DoTT)

Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, 2024

Abrami G., Henlein A., Lücking A., Kett A., Adeberg P., and Mehler A.
Unleashing annotations with TextAnnotator: Multimedia, multi-perspective document views for ubiquitous annotation

Proceedings of the Seventeenth Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-17), 2021

URL | RIS | BibTex
Abrami G., Mehler A., and Stoeckel M.
TextAnnotator: A web-based annotation suite for texts

Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2020, 2020

URL | RIS | BibTex
Abrami G., Stoeckel M., and Mehler A.
TextAnnotator: A UIMA based tool for simultaneous and collaborative annotation of texts

12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), European Language Resources Association, 2020

URL | RIS | BibTex
Henlein A. and Mehler A.
On the Influence of Coreference Resolution on Word Embeddings in Lexical-semantic Evaluation Tasks

12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), 2020

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Hildebrand J., Hemati W., and Mehler A.
Recognizing Sentence-level Logical Document Structures with the Help of Context-free Grammars

12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), 2020

URL | RIS | BibTex
Abrami G., Mehler A., Lücking A., Rieb E., and Helfrich P.
TextAnnotator: A flexible framework for semantic annotations

Proceedings of the Fifteenth Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, (ISA-15), 2019

URL | PDF | RIS | BibTex
Ahmed S., Stoeckel M., Driller C., Pachzelt A., and Mehler A.
BIOfid Dataset: Publishing a German Gold Standard for Named Entity Recognition in Historical Biodiversity Literature

Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) (accepted), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019

Driller C., Abrami G., Koch M., Kasperek G., Pachzelt A., and Mehler A.
Accessing knowledge from legacy biodiversity literature

Biodiversity Next, Leiden, Netherlands, October 22-25, 2019

Hemati W., Mehler A., Uslu T., and Abrami G.
Der TextImager als Front- und Backend für das verteilte NLP von Big Digital Humanities Data

Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities Conference in the German-speaking Countries, DHd 2019, 2019

Stoeckel M., Hemati W., and Mehler A.
When Specialization Helps: Using Pooled Contextualized Embeddings to Detect Chemical and Biomedical Entities in Spanish

Proceedings of The 5th Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019

URL | DOI | RIS | BibTex
Stoeckel M., Hemati W., and Mehler A.
When Specialization Helps: Using Pooled Contextualized Embeddings to Detect Chemical and Biomedical Entities in Spanish

Proceedings of the International Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks (BioNLP-OST) 2019 (accepted), Association for Computational Linguistics SIGDAT and Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, 2019

Uslu T., Mehler A., and Baumartz D.
Computing Classifier-based Embeddings with the Help of text2ddc

Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, (CICLing 2019), 2019

Uslu T., Mehler A., Schulz C., and Baumartz D.
BigSense: a Word Sense Disambiguator for Big Data

Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2019, (DH2019), 2019

Abrami G., Mehler A., Helfrich P., and Rieb E.
TextAnnotator: A Browser-based Framework for Annotating Textual Data in Digital Humanities

Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Austria 2018, 2018

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Abrami G. and Mehler A.
A UIMA Database Interface for Managing NLP-related Text Annotations

Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, May 7 - 12, 2018

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Ahmed S. and Mehler A.
Resource-Size matters: Improving Neural Named Entity Recognition with Optimized Large Corpora

Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2018

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Baumartz D., Uslu T., and Mehler A.
LTV: Labeled Topic Vector

Proceedings of {COLING 2018}, the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations, August 20-26, The COLING 2018 Organizing Committee, 2018

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Helfrich P., Rieb E., Abrami G., Lücking A., and Mehler A.
TreeAnnotator: Versatile Visual Annotation of Hierarchical Text Relations

Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, May 7 - 12, 2018

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Kett A., Abrami G., Mehler A., and Spiekermann C.
Resources2City Explorer: A System for Generating Interactive Walkable Virtual Cities out of File Systems

Proceedings of the 31st ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, 2018

Uslu T. and Mehler A.
PolyViz: a Visualization System for a Special Kind of Multipartite Graphs

Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2018, 2018

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Uslu T., Mehler A., Baumartz D., Henlein A., and Hemati W.
fastSense: An Efficient Word Sense Disambiguation Classifier

Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, May 7 - 12, 2018

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Weiland C., Driller C., Koch M., Schmidt M., Abrami G., Ahmed S., Mehler A., Pachzelt A., Kasperek G., Hausinger A., and Hörnschemeyer T.
BioFID, a platform to enhance accessibility of biodiversity data

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics, 2018

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Hemati W., Mehler A., and Uslu T.
CRFVoter: Chemical Entity Mention, Gene and Protein Related Object recognition using a conglomerate of CRF based tools

BioCreative V.5. Proceedings, 2017

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